Saturday, September 13, 2008

There is good to be had...but where?

Well, I'm on a roll now, so I might as well just keep going....

Hopefully, I will be able to balance this blog with the good, as well as the bad. I'm an equal opportunity loud mouth.

SO....I saw a story the other day about gas prices. I know...who hasn't? This one has some good in it. Because of the rising costs of fuel, many schools across the nation are cutting back on some of their school bus service by cutting stops within 2 miles of school. I think this is a great idea for a number of reasons:
1)It will help reduce emissions, as well as fuel consumption.
2)It will get some of our OBESE youth, who have been sitting on their butts playing PS3's to actually get some exercise.
3)...which will also get them to realize that SOMETIMES IT RAINS! or SNOWS! Having to walk in the weather once in a while is GOOD FOR YOU.

There is one problem, however the cause of all this eliminates it as well....PARENTS DRIVING THEM TO SCHOOL. Again, fuel costs, but this time the parent has to take the hit.
One could also speculate something else....child predators. But the solution is also a good thing.
At least in metropolitan areas, find parents/neighbors to be neighborhood watch people. All they need is a half hour and a cell phone. Within the 2 mile radius of a school, have people volunteer in the morning or afternoon during school start and end times, to be posted on corners. I'm sure most communities will have some retirees more than willing to stand(or even sit on a lawn chair)to do community watches for students walking home.
One of the things Americans seem to have forgotten.....LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR LIKE YOURSELF. This requires GIVING, and in this case, its just giving of some time. WATCH OUT FOR EACH OTHER....what a concept, eh????

1 comment:

polly said...

That is a great idea! I agree with you 100 percent.